You’re here because you’re either:
- An aspiring writer on the fence of joining.
- A lurker curious if it’s worth the money.
- A serial starter looking for a real solution.
I know this because…
10 months and 7 cohorts ago…I was in your shoes.
It’s embarrassing to admit this but…
“Aspiring Writer” was an excuse I wore proudly.
I could tell you 10 reasons to start writing online and the benefits.
But I couldn’t publish a single article.
I could explain all the intricacies of WordPress vs Medium and why you should have a website.
But I couldn’t write a single blog post.
Friends would ask how my writing was going.
And I would tell them, “I’m still polishing my piece.”
But now?
I have a public CV filled with crazy accomplishments and opportunities I never thought would happen to me.
After Ship30 I:
- Created 3 websites
- Made 1000+ friends
- Received 5 job offers
- Wrote 150+ Atomic essays
- Shipped a Newsletter and Podcast
- Launched a digital product & Earned my first digital $$$
- And much much more.
So if you’re wondering whether or not to join the ship…here are 7 reasons to hop on now!
1. Accelerate Your Writing Career (Even If You Don’t Have One)
When I first joined Ship30 I never thought I’d get paid to write.
Much less get DM’s like this:

I had zero experience writing professionally and English was my worst subject in school!
But I knew I was onto something. Ship30 opened up the doors for my writing career to blossom. And the more I wrote, the more requests I got.

Put simply, Ship30 is a Super Mario mushroom for writers.
It’s more than a challenge to publish 30 essays in 30 days. It’s also about building your portfolio of content so when potential clients look you up, they have an idea of who you are.
It’s a crash course on marketing, branding, and growing as an online writer.
2. Grow On Twitter FAST
Here’s a secret no one tells you about Twitter growth.
The easiest and quickest way to grow?
Be part of a community.

2 months of shipping consistently and my growth was compounding!
Forget toiling away at threads and tweeting every day.
When you’re part of a community, members naturally will read your writing. People are more inclined to share your work. And you get access to a group of supportive Twitter nerds.
Like me :)
3. Conquer A Challenge

Atomic Essay #22 I ran out of ideas, and felt like I couldn’t write anymore.
Athletes have Ironmans.
Writers have Ship 30.
We don’t do things because they’re easy, we do it because it’s hard. And, there’s nothing more satisfying then clicking publish on #30 and joining the celebration call at the end of a cohort.
(Dickie if you’re reading this, we should make design a medal for 100+ essays in a row!)
4. Become A Creator (And Join The Creative Elite)
You won’t just become a creator… you’ll become massively more creative.
If you’re like me and you always wondered what it’s like to have a blog, or be a youtuber, or just create stuff on the internet…
But always fall back on lurking and consuming content.
Or worse?
You get stuck in a state of “aspiring” limbo— where you don’t commit to anything.
Then Ship 30 is the creator bootcamp you need.
No more analysis paralysis.
No more struggling to choose a niche.
Just create.
Afterwards, you won’t be able to stop the flood of ideas that will fill up your journal!

5. Develop Your ideas
On that note…
Got a business plan?
Or a topic you’re passionate about?
This is the place to try it out!
Ship 30 is the Y Combinator of writers. And is a breeding ground for creators to see if their ideas have any legs.
You’ll learn how to test your ideas with audience feedback and double down on what works.
I’ve personally launched notion templates, threads, and even pitched business ideas using Ship30.
6. Learn A New (Valuable) Skill

Writing is a meta skill that enables you to supercharge all other skills.
When you write well you can:
- Teach better
- Speak easily
- Think effectively
- Communicate quickly
I’m not kidding when I say…
Life is just easier when you can write well.
7. Make Friends For Life
I saved the best for last.
Money, Followers, Opportunities— they’re all nice things.
But when you do something as transformative as Ship 30?
You’ll walk away with some of the best friendships.
Friendships that turn into future partnerships, jam sessions, and maybe even a job offer!
If Brian's story resonated with you, click here to hop aboard Ship 30 for 30.