Creativity in a Shipping Container: What I Learned About Digital Writing and Myself After Publishing 30 Atomic Essays in 30 Days

Jessica Tudos

Ultimate Guide Table of Contents

Prior to Ship 30 for 30, I thought of myself as a “responsibility writer” who wrote course outlines, sales pages, website copy, and emails.  It felt like a chore, and something I “had” to do to keep my online business functioning.

Not much joy, not much satisfaction in writing prior to Ship 30 for 30. I definitely didn’t consider myself a “real” writer.

When I realized that people like me - with plenty of interesting ideas and opinions – were sharing openly and freely online, I wondered, why not me?

I found Ship 30 for 30 and realized that the only way I was going to move from aspiring writer to actual writer was to give myself a challenge, complete with external constraints, accountability and community support.

The very nature of publishing 30 atomic essays in 30 days was so simple and I immediately KNEW I could do it. Although I wasn’t sure what the hell I would write about every day for 30 days, I was confident in my ability to ship consistently because I trusted the Ship 30  process. I also knew that becoming a digital writer required this commitment.

The Ship 30 for 30 container (imagine a shipping container!) of setting aside 30 days to publish 30 essays allowed my creativity to flow within the set structure. Having the pre-set structure took the pressure off trying to figure out what success would look like. It was simple – publish every day for 30 days. This clarity allowed my writing to flow more freely, which felt freeing and motivating.  

What I learned about myself by being part of the Ship 30 community:

  • External structure with room for creative interpretation allows my creativity to flow
  • Having partner accountability in the very first week 1 motivated me and took the pressure off
  • Connecting with fellow shippers through a pre-arranged set up by Ship 30 was invigorating
  • Live training calls with like-minded shippers and Dickie and Cole humanized my experience
  • Clear constraints and systems led to positive habit development and consistency
  • The “not enough time” excuse is inaccurate - we can always make time for what matters most
  • Writing in hockey rinks, parking lots, and at 11:30 pm is not impossible when you choose to 
  • The ups, downs and upside-downs of multi-passionate portfolio living is my favourite topic 

What I learned about digital writing fundamentals:

  • Clarifying your headline before developing content simplifies the process immensely 
  • Clear formatting gives readers easy entry points visually and mentally. I’m an ace formatter.
  • Curating and interpreting other thought leaders work inspires much of my writing
  • Choosing headings, phrases, and words carefully avoids wasting space and bandwidth.
  • Disregarding punctuation and grammar rules is freeing! Never really knew them anyway…

What was the most surprising part of Ship 30 for 30?

  • How fast intimidation turned into support when I stayed in my lane and trusted the process 
  • Realizing that my entrepreneurial journey is less convention and more unique Jessica
  • Making new Twitter friends from around the world who I’m excited to stay up to date with
  • Increasing freelance writing from once a quarter to once a month while raising my rates
  • Adding “digital writer” to my extensive list of jobs (65 jobs and counting)! 
  • How often (and how enthusiastically!), I told writers/non-writers about my shipping experience

Reflecting on my 30 days of writing, I would have done a few things differently (and will next round!):

  • Determine HOW I will compile, organize, and manage my writing ideas before starting. With so many notes, stickies, emails, and word docs. in different places, I often felt disorganized
  • Review the fundamentals of growing your audience on Twitter before publishing 
  • Learn all the functions of the Typeshare app before publishing to increase efficiency and impact
  • Use my sacred 9-10 am M-F time to write - and connect and comment later in the day.

I'm very proud that I shipped an atomic essay every single day for the 30 days of Ship 30.

Having the Ship 30 for 30 structure, instruction, support, and community has fueled my desire to create and share my ideas through writing. I’m excited to keep progressing and grow my audience, hone my messages, and develop my ideas into a book about the opportunities and challenges inherent in choosing a multi-passionate portfolio life.   

For anyone who wants to become a digital writer amongst a dedicated, talented, and insightful global community, Ship 30 for 30 is for you!

If Jessica's story resonated with you, click here to hop aboard Ship 30 for 30.

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