The Simple 3x3 Framework You Can Use To Explain Anything To Anyone

Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole

Ultimate Guide Table of Contents

Ahoy and happy Monday!

Welcome to another week of Start Writing Online—where every week we dive into the biggest problems all writers face stopping them from writing on the internet, building an audience, and monetizing their writing.

(And, of course, if you want to defeat these problems and master the fundamentals of Digital Writing in just 30 days, we'd love to have you in the next cohort of Ship 30 for 30!)

This week, we want to help you share your valuable expertise—expertise your readers want to know about.

Everyone is an expert in something.

No matter who you are, inside your brain there are valuable:

  • Stories
  • Lessons
  • Mistakes
  • Frameworks

And so much more.

You might not realize it, but there are so many people who are just a few steps behind you who would love to read about what you know and learn from you.

Which is why every week we share templates and frameworks to help you start writing on the internet. We believe when you start writing online, you’ll see just how easy it is to publish your expertise, validate your ideas, build an audience, and ultimately create new career opportunities for yourself.


We’ve learned there’s a big problem when it comes to sharing your expertise.

You Don’t Know How To Share Your Expertise

If you don’t know how to share your expertise, then you will never attract all the benefits of writing online.

And even when you do write about your expertise, if you don’t use a framework which is a good way of explaining something, then even the most valuable knowledge runs the risk of getting lost in translation:

  • Your stories
  • Your hard-earned lessons
  • Your method for achieving a specific outcome

All out the window, wasted—and the probability of building an audience around your expertise and monetizing your knowledge dwindles.

We want you to win. And over the last few years, we’ve learned that the easiest way to teach any framework, explain any system, or to give any kind of advice when communicating, whether you are writing or talking, is to use this dead-simple 3x3 Method. It helps you articulate your expertise clearly so that people will listen, remember what you say, and ultimately buy and use what you have to offer.

Let’s dive in.

How To Use The 3X3 Method To Teach A Framework With Absolute Clarity

Let’s walk through how this works in 3 simple steps.

Step 1: Define the “What”

Start by identifying the core of your framework.

Write down the main idea in one sentence: “A Morning Deep Work Framework.” This step is crucial as it sets the foundation for everything that follows. It helps to clarify the purpose of your message and ensures that every part of your communication is aligned with this central idea.

A proven method for telling your reader “what” it is you are going to talk about is to use a hook.

You can use any of the 6 proven single-sentence openers to capture you reader’s attention.

  1. The “common question, simple answer” opener
  2. The “strong declaration, simple solution” opener
  3. The “how to do X without Y” opener
  4. The “credibility + simple mechanism” opener
  5. The “moment in time heroes journey” opener
  6. The “weird insight + uncommon solution” opener

Each of these openers will help you get to the core of what it is you want to talk about fast—and in a way that piques your audience’s attention.

After you tell your audience the “What,” then you can move on to the “How.”

Step 2: Outline the “How” In 3 Quick Steps

Break down the process or explanation into three simple steps.

Don't overcomplicate this part. Each step should be straightforward and actionable. By distilling your message into three parts, you make it digestible and easy to follow for your audience.

  • First you do this
  • And then you do this
  • Finally you do this

And then you’re done.


(Note: These don’t have to be steps. They could be tips, lessons, or questions. The only requirement is that you just use 3.)

Step 3: Explain the “Why” With 3 Reasons

Finally, detail why your idea or process works.

For each part of the “why,” give a reason that supports your main idea. This not only reinforces your initial point but also provides depth and context, making your message more persuasive. You want your audience to walk away an “aha” moment or an understanding of why similar frameworks don’t work and the benefits of following yours.

When you follow this framework teaching your ideas becomes much simpler.

For example, here is an Atomic Essay Dickie wrote using the 3X3 Method:

Notice how the framework fades into the background.

This is the power of a good framework. When you use it, the attention shifts to your idea and not how it’s being presented. Which is what you want.

Here’s another example of a post Dickie wrote on X:

You will have to click through to see the full post, but from the screenshot you can see how Dickie’s headed down the path of the 3X3 Method.

Of all the frameworks we use to write, we always come back to this 3X3 Writing Method. It has consistently proven to be an invaluable tool for clear and effective communication for any framework

Want to know why?

This Framework Creates Clarity, Structure, and Engagement

The 3X3 Writing Method works because it creates clarity and structure for your audience.

  • Reason #1: The 3X3 Method Simplifies Complex Ideas. By forcing you to distill your message into three main points, it ensures that you're only including the most crucial information. By focusing on the essence of your message, this eliminates confusion and keeps your audience engaged.
  • Reason #2: The 3X3 Method Enhances Memorability. 3 is a magic number in communication. And it’s really important in this framework. Not only is it easy for your audience to follow, but it’s also easier for you to remember too! Structure your message so it fits within this framework. Use it to outline YouTube videos, short or long-form articles, or even and “Outline As Content.” Your audience is more likely to recall what you've told them.
  • Reason #3: The 3X3 Method Encourages Engagement. When your message is clear, it’s more inviting for your audience to engage with your idea. Translation? More people are likely to ask you questions, like, comment, and ask you where they can learn more about your work.

Now, when someone says, can you explain your system for writing every day? Or can you explain your process for launching a product in 7 days?

You immediately know how to answer.

And your answer should should something like this, “Yes I can show you my framework. Let me tell you about it. There are 3 main steps and there are 3 reasons I do it. Let me break it down for you.”

So, whether you're writing an article, delivering a presentation, or simply sharing an idea with friends, this framework ensures your message is received loud and clear. It shows that the key to effective communication isn't always what you say, but how you structure it.

And, by the way, have you noticed how this blog post is structured?

That's it for today!

Chat next week!

–Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole

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